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Financial Planning

What We Offer
At Southshore Financial Planning

The solutions we provide are built to guide you to a successful retirement - whatever that means for you. Whether you’re currently in retirement, preparing for your next chapter in the next few years or you have a few decades to go, our team will develop a personalized plan that addresses the goals you have in mind.

couple meeting with financial planner

Our Capabilities

Withdrawal Strategies

Investment Planning

Tax Planning

Roth Conversions

Social Security Strategies

Medicare IRMAA Planning

Risk Management

Estate Planning

Investment Management

Gifting Strategies

Tax Return Filing

Estate Document Drafting*

*Provided by third parties.

We Utilize a Unique Financial Planning Process

Rather than sitting down once or twice per year for 2-3 hours to go over a 70+ page financial plan, we break your planning topics into smaller, more digestible conversations throughout the year.


During the beginning of our relationship we will create a roadmap for us to use as our initial financial guide.


Working together we will identify, prioritize and implement action items from our financial guide.


We will meet three times throughout the year to review and implement new ideas as needed.

This process allows you to know your team is staying on top of your financial life and gives you more time to enjoy the things you love.

What to Expect Throughout the Year 

Our Planning Schedule

January - April

May - September

October - December

Investment Review & Planning
Tax Return Analysis
End of Year Tax Planning
Cash Flow Planning
Risk Management
Gifting & Estate Planning
Investment Performance Reports
Investment Performance Reports
Investment Performance Reports

Interested in Getting Started?

Book a Free Consultation